Lỗi F01000 Internal software error
An internal software error has occurred.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
– evaluate fault buffer (r0945).
– carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.
– upgrade firmware to later version.
– contact the Hotline.
– replace the Control Unit.
Lỗi F01001 FloatingPoint exception
An exception occurred during an operation with the FloatingPoint data type.
The error may be caused by the base system or an OA application (e.g., FBLOCKS, DCC).
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
Refer to r9999 for further information about this fault.
r9999[0]: Fault number.
r9999[1]: Program counter at the time when the exception occurred.
r9999[2]: Cause of the FloatingPoint exception.
Bit 0 = 1: Operation invalid
Bit 1 = 1: Division by zero
Bit 2 = 1: Overflow
Bit 3 = 1: Underflow
Bit 4 = 1: Imprecise result
– carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.
– check configuration and signals of the blocks in FBLOCKS.
– check configuration and signals of DCC charts.
– upgrade firmware to later version.
– contact the Hotline.
Lỗi F01002 Internal software error
An internal software error has occurred.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
– carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.
– upgrade firmware to later version.
Lỗi F01003 Acknowledgement delay when accessing the memory
A memory area was accessed that does not return a “READY”.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
– carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components
Lỗi N01004 (F, A) Internal software error
An internal software error has occurred.
Fault value (r0949, hexadecimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
– read out diagnostics parameter (r9999).
– contact the Hotline.
See also: r9999 (Software error internal supplementary diagnostics)
Lỗi F01005 File upload/download error
The upload or download of EEPROM data was unsuccessful.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyxxxx hex: yy = component number, xxxx = fault cause
xxxx = 000B hex = 11 dec:
Power unit component has detected a checksum error.
xxxx = 000F hex = 15 dec:
The selected power unit will not accept the content of the EEPROM file.
xxxx = 0011 hex = 17 dec:
Power unit component has detected an internal access error.
xxxx = 0012 hex = 18 dec:
After several communication attempts, no response from the power unit component.
xxxx = 008B hex = 140 dec:
EEPROM file for the power unit component not available on the memory card.
xxxx = 008D hex = 141 dec:
An inconsistent length of the firmware file was signaled. It is possible that the download/upload has been interrupted.
xxxx = 0090 hex = 144 dec:
When checking the file that was loaded, the component detected a fault (checksum). It is possible that the file on the
memory card is defective.
xxxx = 0092 hex = 146 dec:
This SW or HW does not support the selected function.
xxxx = 009C hex = 156 dec:
Component with the specified component number is not available (p7828).
xxxx = Additional values:
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
Save a suitable firmware file or EEPROM file for upload or download in folder “/ee_sac/” on the memory card.
Lỗi A01009 (N) CU: Control module overtemperature
The temperature (r0037[0]) of the control module (Control Unit) has exceeded the specified limit value.
– check the air intake for the Control Unit.
– check the Control Unit fan.
The alarm automatically disappears after the limit value has been undershot.
Lỗi F01010 Drive type unknown
An unknown drive type was found.
– replace Power Module.
– carry out a POWER ON (power off/on).
– upgrade firmware to later version.
Lỗi F01015 Internal software error
An internal software error has occurred.
Fault value (r0949, decimal interpretation):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
– carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.
– upgrade firmware to later version.
Lỗi A01016 (F) Firmware changed
At least one firmware file in the directory /SIEMENS/SINAMICS/ has been changed without authorization with
respect to the version shipped from the factory. No changes are permitted in this directory.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
0: Checksum of one file is incorrect.
1: File missing.
2: Too many files.
3: Incorrect firmware version.
4: Incorrect checksum of the back-up file.
See also: r9925 (Firmware file incorrect)
For the non-volatile memory for the firmware (memory card/device memory), restore the delivery condition.
The file involved can be read out using parameter r9925.
See also: r9926 (Firmware check status)
Lỗi A01017 Component lists changed
On the memory card, one file in the directory /SIEMENS/SINAMICS/DATA or /ADDON/SINAMICS/DATA has been
illegally changed with respect to that supplied from the factory. No changes are permitted in this directory.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
zyx dec: x = Problem, y = Directory, x = File name
x = 1: File does not exist.
x = 2: Firmware version of the file does not match the software version.
x = 3: File checksum is incorrect.
y = 0: Directory /SIEMENS/SINAMICS/DATA/
y = 1: Directory /ADDON/SINAMICS/DATA/
z = 0: File MOTARM.ACX
z = 1: File MOTSRM.ACX
z = 2: File MOTSLM.ACX
z = 3: File ENCDATA.ACX
z = 4: File FILTDATA.ACX
z = 5: File BRKDATA.ACX
z = 6: File DAT_BEAR.ACX
z = 7: File CFG_BEAR.ACX
For the file on the memory card involved, restore the status originally supplied from the factory.
Lỗi F01018 Booting has been interrupted several times
Module booting was interrupted several times.
Possible reasons for booting being interrupted:
– POWER OFF of the module.
– CPU crash.
– USER data invalid.
After this fault is output, then the module is booted with the factory settings.
Power down the module and power it up again.
After switching on, the module reboots from the USER data (if available).
If the fault situation is repeated, then this fault is again output after several interrupted boots.
Lỗi A01019 Writing to the removable data medium unsuccessful
The write access to the removable data medium was unsuccessful.
Remove and check the removable data medium. Then run the data backup again.
Lỗi A01020 Write to RAM disk unsuccessful
The write access to the internal RAM disk was unsuccessful.
Adapt the size of the system logbook (p9930) to the internal RAM disk
Lỗi F01023 Software timeout (internal)
An internal software timeout has occurred.
Fault value (r0949, decimal interpretation):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
– carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.
– upgrade firmware to later version.
Lỗi A01028 Configuration error
The parameterization that was downloaded was generated with a different module type (Order No., MLFB).
Save parameters in a non-volatile fashion (p0971 = 1).
Lỗi F01030 Sign-of-life failure for master control
For active PC master control, no sign-of-life was received within the monitoring time. The master control was returned to the active BICO interconnection. Remedy:
Set the monitoring time higher at the PC or, if required, completely disable the monitoring function. For the commissioning software, the monitoring time is set as follows: -> Commissioning -> Control panel -> Button “Fetch master control” -> A window is displayed to set the monitoring time in milliseconds. Notice: The monitoring time should be set as short as possible. A long monitoring time means a late response when the communication fails!
Lỗi F01033 Units changeover: Reference parameter value invalid
When changing over the units to the referred representation type, it is not permissible for any of the required
reference parameters to be equal to 0.0
Fault value (r0949, parameter):
Reference parameter whose value is 0.0.
See also: p0505 (Selecting the system of units), p0595 (Selecting technological units)
Set the value of the reference parameter to a number different than 0.0.
See also: p0304, p0305, p0310, p0596, p2000, p2001, p2002, p2003, r2004
Lỗi F01034 Units changeover: Calculation parameter values after reference value change
The change of a reference parameter meant that for an involved parameter the selected value was not able to be recalculated in the per unit representation. The change was rejected and the original parameter value restored.
Fault value (r0949, parameter):
Parameter whose value was not able to be re-calculated.
See also: p0304, p0305, p0310, p0596, p2000, p2001, p2002, p2003, r2004
Select the value of the reference parameter such that the parameter involved can be calculated in the per unit
See also: p0304, p0305, p0310, p0596, p2000, p2001, p2002, p2003, r2004
Lỗi A01035 (F) ACX: Boot from the back-up parameter back-up files
When the Control Unit is booted, no complete data set was found from the parameter back-up files. The last time
that the parameterization was saved, it was not completely carried out. Instead, a back-up data set or a back-up
parameter back-up file is downloaded.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
If you have saved the project using the commissioning software, carry out a new download for your project. Save
using the function “Copy RAM to ROM” or with p0971 = 1 so that all of the parameter files are again completely
written to the non-volatile memory